Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Very Funny

"Very Funny!"

Beyond a doubt, the singular most inappropriate comeback ever.


a. Is not funny. And definitely not 'very funny' (contrary to what it would like us to believe)

b. Is not sarcastic. Insulting and venomous maybe, but sarcastic it is not.

c. Is not relevant. The wider the potential application of any comeback, the lesser the relevance to current discussion/wisecrack/joke. Especially joke.

d. Is not witty. Duh!

e. Is ineffective. It manages to convey disgust, boredom, irritation and much more as a group, but fails in effectively conveying any one single emotion of these. Now you’ve insulted the poor guy (or girl, if you must) but have not given him a reason why. Nor does he have any idea what part of his rendering you did not like. And therefore, leave him with no scope for improvement.

Crack the same “very funny” comeback a couple of more times in the evening and you’ve performed on normal conversation the verbal equivalent of a 'garrote'.

f. Is the final word. And not in a good way. Manages to leave absolutely no option for anyone else to come back with a better comeback (pun unintended). It’s a dead end. A phrase that brings with it only prolonged and deathly silence.

Until the next thread of conversation is brought forth by yet another fearless individual, to be valiantly debated upon until someone says those magic words. ‘Very Funny!’

And finally, (to put an end to this rather long, meandering, and completely irrelevant rant), you cannot, repeat, cannot use this phrase while also appearing to be smart.

Smartass, yes. Smart, no.

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